Product Update

Castled launches Real-time campaigns

Arun Thulasidharan

Jan 18, 2024

clock2 mins read

Cloud data warehouses like Snowflake are gradually evolving as the central "backend" around which all data-centric applications will be built in the future.

It makes a lot of sense since the data warehouse is the only location in your technology stack with a 360-degree view of your customer. Moreover, applications built with a data warehouse as the backend can leverage the massive computing power to offer capabilities that were unimaginable with traditional applications.

So, when we at Castled, decided to build a warehouse-native marketing solution for B2C marketers, we were completely sold on the idea. The limitations of the traditional marketing tools to store and process billions of data points were becoming difficult to ignore.

Our amazing early customers validated our hypothesis - They were finally able to use "all the data" in the warehouse to target their customers without any tradeoffs.

But there was a catch. B2C Marketers also have this use case to engage their customers in "real time". For example, an e-commerce marketer would want to give customers real-time status updates about a pending order. Now, this was not the easiest of problems to solve on top of a cloud data warehouse. But we were determined to provide a complete solution to our customers, not one that solves 95% of the use cases.

Today, I am thrilled to announce the release of our latest feature - Real time Campaigns. Now Castled can trigger campaigns and user journeys with sub-second latency directly on top of your data warehouse. Moreover, the feature is exceptionally light on your data warehouse and consumes minimal resources.

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